Thursday, 25 August 2011

Our cakesss..


Our first attempt of a rainbow cake! Doesn't look too great but it tasted fine :D! All we did was add food coloring to our cake mixture :)

Yummm our toppings for our cake! Fudge and chocolate!!!

Our yummy whipped cream, chocolate-fudge cake!! it was lovelyyyy!!!

Our ordinary, plain cakes. Boring but still yummy :)

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

DIY earring holders

Step one, get a photo frame and take it apart. You'll need material too, i did mine from an old top i didnt want. lace is easier to use but you can use any sort of material really! 

Step Two, Get the glass or back of the photo frame and draw or cut round it with material sisters. make sure its at least 2 centimeters more than the original because you need it tucked over the back of the frame.

Step three, lay it down with the material all cut up and ready to put into the frame!

Step four, tuck the material round and put it all in place ready for it to hang earrings on!

The finished result :) 

Sunday, 14 August 2011

These are my photos above my bed! always puts me in a great mood when i wake up and before i go to sleep! pictures of memories and when i was younger! its in a shape of a heart too right above my bed:)
My wardrobe was reallyyyyy boring so i HAD to do something to it.. .therefore covering it in posters and models was the only thing i could think of.. 


The ripped jeans

First off, these are NOT completed yet, We started off with really boring plain jeans ( river island ), we were a bit bored so we decided to customise them.. we did rips in them and put some material from an old top and made it as a patch underneath the rip. The belt we added just from the top.. whether i'd wear it out or not i dont know but theyre nice for summer and certainly brighter than normal ones. Havent finished it yet.. soon to be completed;D Tell us what you think...


The moustache.

I've always loved a guy with a moustache.. so we were inspired by moustaches this evening! haha! We were looking online for a moustache top but they were so so so expensive the ones we liked! we loved the one at ASOS ( Wildfox ) but it was £70.00!!! We even looked on eBay but the cheapest was £34.00!! So we decided to make our very own! My top is size 10 from topshop costing £12.00, but that's only because it has the lace and you can get any plain top really, we had transfer paper and just transferred the moustache design off Google onto our t-shirt.. ironed it and BAM... our very own moustache top!

TIP: Get an ordinary plain white t from George-Asda ect.. and get it large or x-large! They look lush baggy!

Any requests for us to do a top/t shirt ect then send us a link to the item of clothing and we'll redo it! thanks!


Saturday, 13 August 2011

happy or sad.. its life.

i remember doing this when i was in an okayish mood. wasnt really sure if i was happy or sad! i did it about 2 or 3 years ago.. used Piknik for the editing, its a free, cheap and easy site to quickly do a few edits when your bored:)

Who wears it better...

                                          Vanessa Hudgens                    Paris Hilton

They clearly both really liked this dress to both wear it.. but who do you think wears it better? im not quite sure..  Vanessa Hudgens or Paris Hilton?


rainbow eye...

I remember doing this when i was 13! was a few years ago and i got really inspired by mac makeup models so this was my lousy attempt! i thought the necklaces might make it look more effective so thats why i have a bundle of them in my hand! i didnt know what to do with the editing.. whether to leave it all colours or like it is now but i figured it looks a lot more effective this way! tell me what you think


Summer loving!

What do you think of this bird cage necklace? im totally into birds+bird cages ect:! Alice is modelling her little summer dress she bought on sale! looks gorgoeus especially with her blonde hair:)!

The panda hat!

Has anyone seen the panda hats? WE LOVE IT! In republic they have a load of different ones like hamster hats, owl hats, panda hats ect! its fab! this is my sister. her edgy side really;)! so what does everyone think of these hats then? let us know!!


We reallyyyy liked Nadines dress put there was NO way on earth i could afford that.. being without a job and all! so this is what we've found on ASOS!!! soo much more cheaper! and personally i think they look exactly the same! which dress do you prefer? let us know !!

Friday, 12 August 2011


No editing done on this photo! this was last year and i thought the colours were beautiful!

shannon's rock 'n' roll moment!

my very own sister posing, i admit the make up certainly isnt the best as its a bit messy but that what rock chicks are right! i love the lace! and her purple hair! i miss it!

shorts - topshop
lace top - peococks
tights - asda
vest top - select

Friday, 5 August 2011

The fishtail plait.

This is a photo of my little sisters hair! love the colours in it! i envy girls with natural blonde hair! its gorg! shes trying to grow her hair down to the floor so shes a princess so shes says! bless! its a fishtail plait, really easy to do when you get the nack of it!